Ari Gilder, 2-406!


Homework #8


  1. What was known as the continental system was a French blockade of the British isles. This blockade served as a trade embargo upon Britain, which the French hoped would render the British without trade or profits. Unfortunately, the British responded with a similar international blockade on France, making trade with either country very difficult.
  2. Napolean decided to invade Russia because it was apparent that it refused to obey the French Continental System, and such behavior was inappropriate for allies of France. This infuriated Napolean and led him to invade Russia. However, as the Russian army was attacked, they slowly moved deeper into the recesses of Russia, and began to destroy any things of value in the towns that the French were destined to pass through. Eventually, they had drawn the French army into the middle of the country with the Russian winter coming, which left them hopeless and caused them to retreat.
  3. Napolean’s defeat in Russia was a disaster because it showed how unprepared the French army had been and it pointed out its weaknesses. Not only that, but the French had taken 4/5 casualties. This served as a major embarassment for France because the Russians had taken advantage of their vast knowledge of their homeland, and put it to use in the swift destruction of the French army.