Ari Gilder, 2-406!


Homework #13


1. How did General MacArthur transform Japan following WWII?

General MacArthur had began to demilitarize Japan and confiscate war industries as reparations for the war. However, since the Allies could not maintain the upkeep required for these industries, they delayed reparation payment indefinitely. Also, MacArthur had established a democratic government run by a constitution. The constitution declared that a Diet, or parliament, was to be elected by adults who have the right to vote. Consequently, the emperor lost his power and just remained as a figurehead.


2. Why did Japan emerge as Asia's leading economic power in the 1980s?

Japan emerged as Asia’s leading economic power because they were able to speed up mechanization and agriculture. Also, the industries were booming and producing high-quality products, with skilled workers and managers, and strong government support. As a result, Japan was able to produce high-quality products fast and efficiently.


3. Why were relations strained between the U.S. and Japan in the 1980s?

During the 1980s, relations between the US and Japan were strained because although previously, the trade balance had favored the United States, it gradually shifted towards Japan. By 1987, Japan had exported goods so much more valuable than the US, that Americans wished to restrict some Japanese imports.


4. What solutions were proposed to ease the tension?

Americans had pressured the US government to limit Japanese imports, and wished for Japan to relinquish certain limits on American imports. Japan had agreed to buy more goods from the US and had loosened some of the trade restrictions, but even so, there was a large gap in the trade balance.


5. How did industrialization influence Japanese society?

Industrialization had brought many Japanese families to prosperity. Those who used to live simply could now live a little bit more luxuriously. However, the Japanese had worked longer hours than Americans and Europeans. Also the cost of living, as well as the cost of land, had shot up dramatically. Also, the increase in industry led to an increase in environmental pollution. However, women began to join the work force, and their status in society was elevated.