Ari Gilder, 2-406! - HW#7




Time Period



Mohandas Gandhi



To achieve complete and independent self-government for India.

Proponent of nonviolence and passive resistance, such as strikes and other civil protests and refusals to obey certain laws.

Jawaharlal Nehru



Wished to modernize India.

Proposed to eliminate the barriers of religion, language, caste and regional interests. Wished to develop five-year plans like the Communist nations. Also believed in non-alignment, not allying India with the US or Soviet Union.

Mustafa Kemal



Wished for Turkey to become a modern and progressive nation.

Forced Turks to adopt Western culture (such as the calendar, alphabet, measurements), and prohibited wearing traditional Turkish clothing. Made the Turks adopt their own family/last names like the Europeans. Also tried to separate Islam from Turkish government.

Chiang Kai-Shek


1925 – early 1930s

Wished to have a strong government, but not a democratic one, eventually setting up a one-party system with him as dictator.

Tried to promote economic development but could not due to insufficient funds. However, he did succeed in getting China to begin a massive public works campaign, as well as establish a national bank and improve the education system. Also tried to annihilate Communism.

Mao Zedong


Early 1930s

Believed that the Chinese peasants, as opposed to the proletariat in the cities, was the greatest chance for a Communist Revolution.

Had introduced a program of reforms to land and tax issues. Met with the peasants of the Shaanxi province and listened to their problems in order to ensure maximum efficiency of the program and urge them to support the Communist Revolution.

Fidel Castro


1956 - Present

Wished to transform Cuba into a Communist country.

Began to enact Marxist reforms, which would effectively confiscate all large pieces of land and natural resource providers from their owners for the government. However, he did provide free education, healthcare and welfare for the Cubans, which earned him support among the poor of Cuba, but not much with anyone else. Castro had a strict authoritarian and totalitarian rule and insisted on banning all ideas that opposed him.