Ari Gilder, 3-201L


1. a) The French Revolution and the European War which shortly ensued had led strains in the relations between America and France and America and Britain.

    b) This had let to Washington to issue his Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793. This enraged the people who followed Jefferson and supported the French and caused conflict between Washington & the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.


2. a) Jay’s Treaty – Britain would evacuate some posts in the US, would pay damages for recent seizures of American ships, but not for any future seizures in return for the US paying its debts to Britian.

    b) Pinckney’s Treaty – Spain gave America the right to navigate the Mississippi as well as the disputed land north of Florida.


3. XYZ Affair à Navy Department created as well as Marine Corps à Adams sends a new minister to France à made peace with France in 1800.