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   Junior Social Studies Homeworks:

Both Semesters

I've posted whatever homeworks I had on my computer from Junior year. I don't think they were the only ones, I'm pretty sure I did some by hand and I don't have them on me. But I hope this will suffice.

HW#1 (11-29-01)
HW#2 (12-20-01)
HW#3 (12-23-01)
HW#4 (2-12-02)
HW#5 (2-18-02)
HW#6 (2-24-02)
HW#7 (2-26-02)
HW#8 (3-12-02)
HW#9 (3-14-02)
HW#10 (3-18-02)
HW#11 (5-28-02)

All documents and homeworks are ©2000-2004 to Ari Gilder. Any unauthorized copying, duplication, or linking to this page without proper credit to the author is illegal.